Lockdown, day 42
From my home in Tiana, Spain.
Yesterday, April 23, Catalans celebrated La Diada de Sant Jordi, a feast for lovers. Traditionally, women receive a rose and men receive a book. The giving of roses is an old tradition stemming from the fifteenth century. The book is a later addition that has existed sin
ce 1930, when Miguel de Cervantes, writer of the book Don quijote, died on April 23.
For years, each Sant Jordi a red rose is delivered at my door in Amsterdam, send by a friend from Barcelona. It took a few years before I got to know about the tradition of giving a book in return – luckily I have made up for it over time.
Today, I don’t know if my friend send a rose again because I am not at home in Amsterdam. Perhaps, my rose is withering on the doorstep, perhaps, my neighbour has taken it under her wing. Who knows. This Sant Jordi I have to do without a rose, or so I thought. Because what do I find delivered with the groceries from the local supermarket? A beautiful red rose.
It’s the little things in life!
